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The Trouble With Mindfulness
Despite a growing abundance of research that shows how valuable mindfulness meditation can be, there also seems to be many roadblocks that keep people from trying it out: from simple time constraints, to the fear of becoming stereotyped as one of those 'new age, touchy-feely' kinds of people. In this article, writer Jill Suttie sets out to get to the bottom of the troublesome myths that surround m... posted on Apr 13 2015, 31,403 reads


The Science of Forgiveness
Forgiveness has been a cornerstone of all major world religions for hundreds of years as well as an increasingly popular subject in modern psychology. But as one researcher and psychologist put it, "I knew exactly how to ask God for forgiveness, but I had no idea how to forgive, or ask forgiveness from the people in my life." This thoughtful essay shares more.... posted on Apr 12 2015, 25,512 reads


Sheila Donis: A Life of Giving
Don’t miss this interview with an extraordinary woman, Sheila Donis, born on the west side of Chicago, one of nine children living in a small two bedroom apartment above a tavern. A nun for nine years, she left to become a teacher and then an administrator in poor inner-city Chicago schools, a job she loved. She also fought for donations to help her teachers and students and, over a period ... posted on Apr 11 2015, 14,253 reads


Couple Renounce Wedding To Do Acts of Kindness In 50 States
Can you imagine forgoing the wedding of your dreams for the purpose of performing 50 completely selfless acts? For New York couple, Mark and Ismini Svensson, the decision was an easy one. Though the couple had ample funds for a wedding reception and honeymoon, they opted instead to use their savings to finance their journey. "We both realized that what makes us happiest is helping people in need,"... posted on Apr 10 2015, 9,896 reads


How Gratitude Beats Materialism
We all know the benefits of a grateful heart. It helps us cultivate a deeper awareness of our true gifts in each moment. And yet, even though we know that the most important things in life aren't "things" -- why do we still have a tendency to want to accumulate material goods? Is there a way to deliberately cultivate gratitude, such that it releases us from our need for those bright, shiny things?... posted on Apr 09 2015, 34,570 reads


4 Steps To A Healthier Relationship With Technology
Tom Mahon has written about digital technology for over three decades, and has witnessed the dramatic effect it's had on nearly every facet of our lives. "From how we bank, travel, and shop, to more abstract realms, like how we derive a sense of self-worth, how we forge and sustain relationships and how we choose to spend our attention." Mahon believes it's crucial for us, as individuals and a soc... posted on Apr 08 2015, 21,561 reads


3 Stories that Will Change the Way You Look at Water
If you can turn on the tap to access clean, drinkable water, you are part of the 90% of the world with regular access to one of humanity's most crucial resources. But what about the other 748 million people across the globe who don't have regular access to water? Tyler Riewer of charity:water has spent the past two years traveling to communities where gathering water is anything but routine. These... posted on Apr 07 2015, 19,099 reads


Four Years of Compassion College
In this moving and thought-provoking talk, ServiceSpace founder Nipun Mehta considers what four years of Compassion College might look like. Through powerful stories of real-life people from South Africa, to India, and from Silicon Valley to Taiwan he illustrates our potential to cultivate generosity in every moment, no matter what our circumstances. He vividly draws comparisons between the four s... posted on Apr 06 2015, 3,965 reads


What Does It Mean To Be Fully Human
"To be fully human is really to discover who I am ... To discover who I am is to discover also the unity between my head and my heart." Jean Vanier answers some "big questions" including "what does it mean to be fully human"-- questions that are the hallmark of the Templeton Prize. Vanier is the 2015 Templeton Prize Laureate for his work with L'Arche, a revolutionary international network of commu... posted on Apr 05 2015, 5,972 reads


Can Kids Teach Themselves?
"It's crazy that in a system that is meant to teach and help the youth, there is no voice for the youth at all." A highschool in Massachusets is trying a radical experiment by letting students design and lead their own learning for a semester. During the "Independence Project," students are left alone for most of the day to pursue their chosen work, meeting with teachers only once a day for guidan... posted on Apr 04 2015, 6,291 reads


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A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
Henry Adams

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